About Us

‘Dhaara’ stands testimony to our initiative to make people aware of the various socio-political, cultural and historical realities of India. One of the three wings of our organisation ‘ITISARAS’, a registered NGO, Society under Society Registration Act, Dhaara is a magazine, where writers and their editors endeavour to do justice and pen down the extravagant number of cultural topics that rest within the political boundary of India. We put forward our earnest effort to present our readership with an individualistic and distinctive approach on whatever topic we cover. It is important to break the shackles of stigmatisation and generalisation; and to capture what doesn’t meet the eyes too often. We are curious to fathom the old as well as the new, hoarding up topics ranging from the endangered Indian art forms to opinion pieces on recent political dynamics bothering the young nation. Our steadfastness and commitment to portraying the reality in its truest form, has made this an enriching and eye-opening experience for the writers. It made us look at India from a completely unconventional point of view, a more rational and truthful one. All the inner turbulence that we begin to experience when we become one with honest facts, is what we try to capture in our writings. Written after considerable research and a series of edits, our writers bring forth their best understanding on a topic. We also try to cover current events going on in the city, while some of the more unexplored nooks and corners also find mention in our articles. More than anything, what is most satisfactory to us is that this process of understanding the Indian civilisation since its inception, has made us closer to our own roots and instilled a sense of belonging and oneness with the nation in its entirety. The old relics of Delhi feel as much our own as the beach in Chennai and the sands in Kutch. We know where it’s coming from and we want the world to know about it as well. At the end, by making our works public, the ambition is to untangle the confusions around India and to demolish the prejudices and misconceptions that cloud its identity.