HomeHistoryA World Without Leadership

A World Without Leadership


It is a fact that some people in every society can motivate others to perform any action that expresses their common interests and preferences. These individuals possess all the best qualities necessary to accelerate change, such as justice, responsiveness, determination, and giftedness, all of which are necessary. However, some so-called opposing leaders pose as leaders who contribute nothing but negative changes to society. To answer this question- whether people lack leadership and demonstrate that leaders are the driving force behind every civilisation that succeeds- it is critical in the modern world to consider whether people require leaders and how the world would look without them.

What is a leader?

To answer the question of whether the world needs leaders, it is necessary to determine who these leaders are. According to modern dictionaries, there are three different meanings of the word “leader,” all of which share a characteristic in common: they all refer to a person responsible for leading and bringing change to society (Rosenbach, 2018). This is a case where it is vital to take note of the goals that leaders set and the methods, they choose to solve their problems and be successful. True leaders should exhibit traits like bravery, endurance, faith in the wisdom of the chosen course, high moral standards, unchallengeable authority, and respect for others. They ought to be able to face the world’s difficulties and find new solutions. They are the ones who can comprehend where their followers stand in both time and space. So, the ability to strategize, or to take long-term, global action, is what being a leader entails.

Leaders have always existed throughout the history of humanity. Account has several examples of individuals who inspired others via diverse social and military achievements. All three individuals—Jesus Christ, Confucius, and the prophet Muhammad- are called leaders because of their immense contributions to mankind and humanity and how they even altered it (Komives & Wagner, 2016). Because most people are passive and unwilling to take charge, make decisions, and accept responsibility for others, society would not survive without leaders. Certain people’s capacity and right to pay others against others are known as “power.” This is a method of influencing individuals to follow rules that the same authority has created. As a result, without solid leadership, the globe will lack power and be unable to manage its population.

What would the world be like if we had no one to guide us?

The contemporary world is difficult to imagine without leaders. The new version of the world will initially encounter turmoil and the uninformed due to people’s inherent laziness and lack of motivation. They will quit going to work, doing their jobs, and coming up with innovative new ideas. In such a society, geopolitical influence and economic power centres will drastically change globally. The absence of leadership will encourage the need to reconstruct the recently created financial system, which will not be driven only by the worries of wealthy nations as previously. States without leaders who can adapt to changes in the global environment will need to survive in international relations, and they may finally cease to exist. As a result, a world without leaders will be disorganized, constrained, and the root of all-pervasive chaos, ultimately leading to civilizations’ extinction.

Importance of hierarchy and anarchy:

A hierarchy must be introduced into the world due to society’s complexity. The latter refers to creating unique individuals who solely carry out managerial tasks and have preferential access to resources. Resources are usually scarce. Hence, various dominance strategies are used to control access to them. Leaders have access to essential resources and the general public because of their greater standing. All or some leaders attempt to use the new circumstance in some way, immediately or gradually, deliberately or unconsciously, to advance their interests or acquire new privileges. Under these conditions, human society developed stratification, the state, civilization, and private property.

Anarchy, on the other hand, denotes a situation in which no one has any authority over others, or, in other words, where there is no clear leader. Decentralization will take on various forms worldwide without leaders’ informal settlements. Undoubtedly, since people won’t have access to centralized services, but also for other reasons, the primary urban infrastructures and services will become decentralized. A society without leadership would eventually end due to factors including scarcity of resources, low volume, self-organization, and a desire for direct involvement and control.

(L-R) Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, US President Joe Biden, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and France’s President Emmanuel Macron attend a meeting of five G7 leaders on June 28, 2022 at Elmau Castle, southern Germany, on the last day of the G7 Summit.


Overall, it becomes clear that if there is no longer any form of leadership on the globe, there will be complete anarchy, unchecked people, and total mayhem. This new version of the world will quickly vanish and return to the previous era of totally disorganized states. Because of our inherent desire for leadership, we require it to uphold morality, social order, and order in our lives. As a result, for society to function correctly, for there to be public order, and for everyone to benefit generally, the world requires leaders.

Priyanka Chakraborty
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