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Feminism and the Present world


Feminism is a social and political movement that advocates for gender equality and women’s rights. Although it calls for equality in opportunity, it does not discount the biological disparities between the sexes. Everything is covered, including social, political, and economic spheres. Feminist initiatives had an essential impact on the history of women’s emancipation.

The twentieth-century feminist movements made it feasible to exercise rights like voting, owning property, working, and attending school. As a result, the relevance and effects of feminism will be covered in an essay.

Some believe that feminism is no longer necessary, yet this is a complete departure from reality. Even while specific battles rage, like the one over the freedom to vote and equal access to education, women continue to experience all forms of abuse and prejudice more frequently than men do in every aspect of life. Women have battled injustice and sought equality for millennia.

Importance of Feminism:

Not just women, but people of every sex, gender, caste, creed, and other group, need feminism. It gives individuals and society as a whole more power. The idea that feminists can only be women is a fairly widespread one. Feminism does not just help women, which is a fact that must be corrected. It aims for gender equality rather than female superiority.

Feminism has taken on long-standing gender roles and is attempting to dismantle them. People can live freely and independently without being constrained by long-standing conventions because of this. In other words, both men and women gain from it. For example, it argues that men should not be the sole provider for their families while also supporting women’s right to work. It aims to provide everyone with freedom.

Youth participation in the feminist movement is crucial, but it comes first. We can accomplish our goals faster with this method. Living in a society that values equality is nothing less than a dream. Therefore, we must look at our cultures and communities to make this ideal a reality. Since we are on the road and have yet to arrive at our destination, we must carry on with our purpose if we are to succeed.

Impact of feminism on society:

Everyone’s life has been changed by feminism, but particularly that of women. History reveals that this is what granted women the right to vote. Although it was no easy task, the ladies completed it. In addition, contemporary feminism demonstrates how it engages in campaigns that profoundly impact people’s lives. Movements that support reproductive rights and the termination of unwanted pregnancies, for instance, are in favour of women’s freedom of choice. 

Additionally, feminism works to abolish gender norms and continually challenges patriarchy. It allows guys to be whoever they want without fear of criticism. Men are now permitted to cry openly because they must be free to do so. In a similar vein, it substantially benefits the LGBTQ community by promoting their rights. Everybody has a place in feminism, and intersectional feminism is the most significant way to comprehend everyone’s struggle.

The historical impact of feminism:

There have been many outstanding women who have made significant contributions to local or global history, but not all of them have fought for women’s rights. Men and women who worked together to advance gender equality and better women’s lives as a social group made up the women’s movement.

However, women were typically restricted to the house as mothers, wives, and daughters in most countries. Thus, we frequently only learn about historical women through their connections to notable men. Without a doubt, many women have made significant contributions to cultural and political life throughout history, but they frequently go unnoticed. Even though women activists and the fight for equality have always been features of all human cultures, an organized women’s movement didn’t truly begin until the 19th century.


Due to its emphasis on becoming a strong, respected, and accomplished woman, feminism is still critical today. Every woman has unique abilities that contribute to improving every aspect of society, making her a better mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. Every age has seen growth and development in feminism as it has adapted to various struggles. Compared to decades ago, young women now have quite different perspectives on feminism. The modern woman is powerful, intelligent, passionate, and diligent. They are prepared and equipped to bear the pressure and obligations of holding positions of power. Women only ask to be more powerful and superior than men.

Many women only demanded to be treated equally and recognized for their contributions. Women’s ability to collaborate with other men and women is more important than their ability to work alone. Several women, like Malala Yousafzai and Maya Angelou, are internationally renowned for their achievements on a worldwide scale. Feminism is still relevant today because it focuses heavily on becoming a valued, appreciated, and successful woman. Feminism has been a contentious topic with negative implications for hundreds of years. However, in terms of battles, feminist movements must be understood (STUURMAN). The struggle for a better way of life was evident throughout each generation.

Priyanka Chakraborty
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